A downloadable game


FlyOn.zip 64 MB

Install instructions

ownload Zip File

Click the download button

Double click the zipped file

  1. Double-click on the zipped file to unzip any zipped file on your Mac.
  2. This will prompt the Archive Utility tool to unzip the files in the same folder the zipped file is in.
  3. Click appropriate icons to access the extracted files.

Right-click the zipped file and open it with Archive Utility

  1. Alternatively, you can right-click on the zipped folder.
  2. Select Open to unzip your file if Archive Utility is set as your default.
  3. If it's not, right-click and click Open With, and choose Archive Utility.
  4. Click appropriate icons to access the extracted files.

Double click the Exe file

Double click the file Fly-On.exe to run the game

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